Detection Monitoring of Hate, Violence Intent & Activity
The rise of hate, violence and extremism presents challenges in keeping ahead of dangerous efforts and their spread. IDP has developed a sophisticated capability to detect and identify hostile and violence-related online chatter in the US and abroad in order to discover probable threats and risks from “lone wolves,” Homegrown Violent Extremists (HVE), non-state actors, gangs, hate and/or extremist groups, and transnational criminal business enterprises. Our partnerships and collaborations with leading experts on extremist groups, behaviors, symbology, and other aspects of extremism provide expanded networks and insights for tactical and strategic advantage. We have conducted terror attack and tactics analysis, reviewed terror organization capabilities and provided mitigation strategy support for clients. In addition, IDP is working with the public education community to explore how to use our capability to identify violent actors before they incite or inflict violence in a school setting.